Sales Manager Workshops
The Sales Manager Development Program is designed to take the function of the sales manager and break it down into its core elements. These classes will obviously be of great value to sales managers, but should also be used to train and assess sales people in their ability to move up the ladder of the dealership.
Prospect Follow-Up
In today’s environment of slower floor traffic, it is imperative that we focus on ways to improve how well we take advantage of each door swing. During this workshop we will focus on ways managers can administer a better follow-up system.
The Sales Process
We will be discussing what makes a great sales process. The issue in many dealerships is that while they feel they have a great sales process, and may have on paper, in reality it is not practiced or administered properly. During this session we will assist mangers to ensure they maximize the capability of their sales team.
Telephone Skills Training
It’s not simply the customers that come in through the door. Customers that call on the phone are equally valuable. Here we will discuss ways of converting those phone customers into store customers who show up at your dealership.